Archive for the ‘INFO’ Category

Several Myth About Indonesian Tokay Gecko In Indonesia

The following will be described myths surrounding the sunter geckos came among communities, some believe there is not. what about you?
Myth 1: Gecko is one animal that knows about the future of the human self.
Many people who try your luck with asking the geckos geckos read. like a rich, promoted, or until the marriage broke up though.
Myth 2: Gecko considered a good luck animal.
many people who assume animal geckos are good luck, as for the features that are trusted by the public which reads odd gecko, geckos who have forked tails facing the sky, etc..
Myth 3: Perceived Gecko can cure AIDS
Recently was widely rumored that the gecko can meyembuhkan aids. some people believe one of the saliva, tongue ato even blood can increase the body’s immune pernyakit that can cure AIDS, although until now there has not issued any agency statment that the gecko can cure AIDS. at least there are some people who tiba2 a gecko milioner akibar sell billions prices.
Myth 4: It is Animal Gecko Dragon Descendants
Some people in Japan believe that the gecko is the animal incarnation of a dragon. therefore there are some people think that gecko is a sacred animal.
Myth 5: Gecko weighing 3 ounces or more must have been there penunggunya.
Gecko with weight above 3 ounces or more believed to have had khodam (spirits), so that the gecko will look very large and inversely proportional to the original weight. so that the gecko that looks great will light when weighed because khodamnya go when weighed
Myth 6: Gecko repellent Bala Animals Considered
Many people hinterland that geckos are animals who have magic powers, he lived in a house by the geckos, the house may be refused reinforcements, the greater the size of geckos the greater the strength.
Myth 7: Once you had Bitten Gecko Will Not released until a lightning sound
In fact, geckos bite could be removed by changing the way our hands with a soft material or a tree branch.

How To Cache Tokay Gecko

There are several ways you can use to catch geckos to survive because if we are wrong then the gecko would catch him stress and weight will decrease
how to catch geckos:

1. Fishing With Feathers
gecko loved small feathers, because the thought of insects. Gecko seekers, fur was used as a fishing tool, so that these animals out of the nest.
“Gecko’s like the same hair, mistaken for food. Usually we put the fur on the end sticks or bamboo, and stirred in front of the hole geckos,”
However, it should also be noted, do not be vain to catch the animal using his bare hands, because if the bite is very hard to be released. Thus, additional equipment required, such as tweezers to catch
2. Make Gecko drunk with tobacco
The equipment used to catch geckos as easy, just a stick and a cigarette. Way, cigarettes tied at one end of the stick and then fed to the geckos.
To attract the attention of geckos, rocking a cigarette in front of his eyes. When eating, gecko would get drunk and ready immediately arrested. use fishing nets when the gecko already drunk

Gecko Anatomy (English Sub)

Geckos are the only lizards that have a voice. Some species of geckos make a squeaking or clicking noise that sounds like “gecko,” hence their name. Most geckos are nocturnal (they are most active at night); they have large eyes and excellent vision.

Anatomy: Geckos have short, wide, fleshy toes with large, backward-curved claws. Most geckos have sticky toe pads, composed of microscopic Velcro-like hooked bristles (called setae) on the bottom of the feet; the bristles allow them to climb well, even on smooth surfaces or upside down. Desert geckos have fringed feet that let them run across sand very easily. Flying geckos (genus Ptychozoon) have wide flaps of skin extending from the abdomen and have webbed toes, legs, and tail that help them glide gracefully through the air.

Geckos range in size from 1/2 inch to about 14 inches (1.5 to 35 cm) long; the largest gecko is the tokay gecko (Gecko gecko). The wide tail stores fat. The gecko’s eyes are covered and protected by a transparent membrane; the gecko cleans this membrane with its long tongue.

Diet: Gecko are carnivores (meat-eaters). They eat mostly insects (like crickets, springtails, and cockroaches) and mealworms, but they also eat young birds, eggs, and tiny mammals, hunting for their prey at night.

Predators: Snakes are geckos’ main predators. When a gecko is caught by its tail, it releases the tail, which twitches for a while, allowing the gecko to escape capture. The gecko will later grow another tail.

Habitat: Geckos live in a variety of warm habitats, including rainforestsdesertsgrasslands, and marshes. They are now found all over the world as pets (especially the tokay gecko).

Reproduction: Geckos hatch from eggs. Females usually lay 2 white, sticky eggs. The eggs are soft at first, but harden quickly. There is no parental care. Geckos will sometimes eat their own eggs.

Classification: Class Reptilia (reptiles), Order Squamata (lizards and snakes), Suborder Lacertilia (lizards), Family Gekkonidae (geckos), about 400 species.

Lizards are vertebrate animals that similar to humans have a backbone, skull and ribs. Of the 3000 plus different species of lizard that have been discovered there are considerable differences in the shape, size and lifestyle of these lizards, there are however some common characteristics that bind them together. Of their external features they all have skin, a tongue, ears, eyes, limbs and a tail.

The skin acts as a protective coating that prevents the lizard from dehydrating. The formation of the scales varies from species to species, in some it allows the lizard to change color to adapt into the environment.

Their tongues are short and fat, although chameleons and a few others have a longer tongue. The tongue works in conjunction with the Jacobson’s organ and analyses and tastes whatever comes in contact with it.

Most lizards have a visible external ear hole or opening, sometimes it is covered up by a tympanum (ear drum).

Most lizards can blink and shut their eyes, this is dissimilar to snakes who have no moveable eyelids. There are a few burrowing lizards that have no eyes at all. There are also special adaptations between species such as the gecko, which has large eyes to aid their night vision, and chameleons that have independently moving eyes.

The limbs are specialized organs and the fingers and toes are adapted according to the species and lifestyle. An example is most geckos have adhesive pads on the tips of their digits to enable them to climb many surfaces such as trees, walls and ceilings.

The tail is also used differently depending on the species, it can be used for fighting, grasping, balancing and storage of fatty deposits to name a few. The tail can be shed as a means to defend from a predator, this is a good reason why you should never pick your lizard up by it’s tail.

Internal organs
The lizard is equipped with organs very similar to those of mammals. They have a skull that houses their brain, lungs to breathe air just like we do, a liver to remove toxins and the alimentary canal to process its food.

Thermo regulation
Lizards are totally reliant on the external living conditions. Unlike mammals they do not have the equipment to internally generate heat, they are therefore cold-blooded, also known as ectothermic.

Lizards thermo regulate (warm up and cool down) by moving around their habitat. When it is cool in the morning they will seek out the suns rays or the heat pad or spotlight in your vivarium so they can bask in the heat and recharge their batteries. Once they reach their optimum temperature they will then move on to hunt for food and patrol their territory. On hot days they will avoid overheating by resting in the shade, cooling off in water or seeking the coolness of their retreat or burrow.

Anatomy Tokek

TOKEK adalah satu-satunya kadal yang memiliki suara. Beberapa spesies tokek membuat mencicit atau mengklik suara yang terdengar seperti “gecko,” maka nama mereka.Kebanyakan tokek aktif di malam hari (mereka adalah yang paling aktif di malam hari); mereka memiliki mata besar dan visi yang sangat baik.


tokek memiliki pendek, lebar, gemuk jari kaki dengan besar, cakar melengkung ke belakang. Kebanyakan kaki lengket tokek memiliki bantalan, terdiri dari mikroskopis Velcro-seperti bulu bengkok (disebut setae) di bawah kaki bulunya memungkinkan mereka untuk memanjat dengan baik, bahkan pada permukaan yang halus atau terbalik. Desert tokek memiliki kaki yang berumbai membiarkan mereka berjalan di pasir sangat mudah. Flying tokek (genus Ptychozoon) memiliki kelepak lebar memanjang dari kulit perut dan memiliki jari-jari kaki berselaput, kaki, dan ekor yang membantu mereka meluncur dengan anggun melalui udara.

Makanan : Gecko adalah karnivora (pemakan daging). Kebanyakan mereka makan serangga (seperti jangkrik, springtails, dan kecoak) dan mealworm, tetapi mereka juga makan anak-anak burung, telur, dan mamalia kecil, berburu mangsanya di malam hari.

Pemangsa :Ular adalah pemangsa tokek yang utama. Ketika seekor tokek ditangkap, ia akan berusaha melepaskan ekornya agar dapat kabut dari tangkapan sang ular.

Habitat: tokek hidup di berbagai habitat hangat, termasuk hutan hujan, padang pasir, padang rumput, dan rawa-rawa. Mereka sekarang ditemukan di seluruh dunia sebagai hewan peliharaan (khususnya Tokay gecko).

Reproduksi: geckos menetas dari telur. Wanita biasanya berbaring 2 putih telur lengket. Telur lunak pada awalnya, tapi mengeras dengan cepat. Tidak ada orangtua yang peduli. Geckos akan kadang-kadang makan telur mereka sendiri.

Klasifikasi: Kelas Reptilia (reptil), Order Squamata (kadal dan ular), Subordo Lacertilia (kadal), Family Gekkonidae (tokek), sekitar 400 spesies.

Tokek masuk kedalam ras kadal, dan kadal adalah hewan vertebrata yang mirip dengan manusia memiliki tulang punggung, tengkorak dan tulang rusuk. Dari 3.000 spesies yang berbeda ditambah kadal yang telah menemukan ada banyak perbedaan dalam bentuk, ukuran dan gaya hidup kadal ini, Namun ada beberapa karakteristik umum yang mengikat mereka bersama-sama. Fitur eksternal mereka, mereka semua memiliki kulit, lidah, telinga, mata, kaki dan ekor.
Kulit bertindak sebagai lapisan pelindung yang mencegah kadal dari dehidrasi. Pembentukan skala bervariasi dari spesies ke spesies, dalam beberapa hal itu memungkinkan kadal berubah warna untuk beradaptasi ke lingkungan.
Lidah mereka yang pendek dan gemuk, meskipun bunglon dan beberapa orang lainnya memiliki lidah yang lebih panjang. Lidah bekerja sama dengan organ Jacobson dan analisis dan selera apa pun yang datang dalam kontak dengan itu.
Kebanyakan kadal memiliki telinga eksternal terlihat lubang atau membuka, terkadang sudah tertutup oleh sebuah genderang (gendang telinga).

Kebanyakan kadal dapat berkedip dan menutup mata mereka, ini berbeda dengan ular yang tidak punya kelopak mata dapat dipindah-pindahkan. Ada beberapa membenamkan kadal yang tidak memiliki mata sama sekali. Ada juga adaptasi khusus antar spesies seperti gecko, yang memiliki mata besar untuk membantu penglihatan pada malam hari mereka, dan bunglon yang memiliki mata bergerak secara independen.
Tangan dan kaki adalah organ khusus dan jari-jari dan jari-jari kaki diadaptasikan sesuai dengan spesies dan gaya hidup. Contoh yang paling tokek memiliki perekat bantalan di ujung angka mereka yang memungkinkan mereka untuk memanjat banyak permukaan seperti pohon-pohon, dinding dan langit-langit.

Ekor juga digunakan berbeda tergantung pada spesies, dapat digunakan untuk berkelahi, tamak, menyeimbangkan dan penyimpanan lemak untuk beberapa nama. Ekor dapat ditumpahkan sebagai sarana untuk mempertahankan dari pemangsa, ini adalah alasan bagus mengapa anda tidak boleh mengambil kadal Anda oleh ekor itu.
Kadal dilengkapi dengan organ-organ yang sangat mirip dengan mamalia. Mereka mempunyai rumah-rumah yang mereka tengkorak otak, paru-paru untuk menghirup udara yang sama seperti yang kami lakukan, sebuah hati untuk membuang racun dan kanal untuk proses pencernaan makanannya.
Thermo regulasi
Kadal benar-benar bergantung pada kondisi kehidupan eksternal. Tidak seperti mamalia mereka tidak memiliki peralatan untuk internal menghasilkan panas, karena itu mereka berdarah dingin, juga dikenal sebagai ectothermic.

Kadal termo mengatur (pemanasan dan pendinginan) dengan bergerak di sekitar habitat mereka. Jika sudah dingin di pagi hari, mereka akan mencari sinar matahari atau panas pad atau sorotan di vivarium Anda sehingga mereka dapat berjemur di panas dan mengisi ulang baterai mereka. Setelah mereka mencapai temperatur optimal maka mereka akan berpindah untuk berburu makanan dan patroli wilayah mereka. Pada hari-hari panas mereka akan menghindari overheating dengan istirahat di tempat teduh, cooling off dalam air atau mencari kesejukan mereka mundur atau liang.

Gecko, What Is All About? Part II (eng)

There are approximately 800 different species of gecko, which can be divided into four sub categories. These are Diplodactylinae, Gekkoninae, sphaerodactylinae and Eublepharinae. The largest of these is the gekkoninae family that has over 550 species living all over the world.

Geckos are widespread and adaptable and pose no threat to humans at all, they will live happily side by side with humans usually making a home where they can easily access a ceiling light that attracts insects.

The gecko is found in many warm climates around the globe. One of the main differences between a gecko and other lizards is the way in which they communicate with each other. Gecko’s make loud chirping sounds when they are socializing with others from their species.

Another difference between geckos and lizards is they have no eyelids, instead they have a transparent membrane that they clean by licking with their tongues.

Geckos can walk across ceilings upside down with ease as they have special pads on their feet. In warm climates, many geckos make their home inside of human’s homes as it can provide protection and shelter. There is a gecko named the ‘house gecko’ that is well known for living inside peoples home, they are rarely discouraged from doing this as they are great at ridding other insects that could pose as a problem.

Some species of gecko can change color, similar to how chameleons do, to blend in with their surroundings or adjusting with the temperature. There are many different colors of geckos, some brightly colored that display wonderful patterns across their bodies.

Life in the wild for geckos is often fraught with danger and the day geckos have many predators, which include snakes, birds and other large lizards. Even without these added dangers a geckos time is spent hunting for foods and if male, attempting to keep hold of a territory while overcoming violent confrontations from other geckos wishing to invade. The territorial disputes can easily lead to the gecko being injured by bites and tearing wounds, as they have a fairly delicate skin.

Gecko, What is all About? Part II

Ada sekitar 800 spesies yang berbeda gecko, yang dapat dibagi dalam empat sub kategori. Ini adalah Diplodactylinae, Gekkoninae, sphaerodactylinae dan Eublepharinae. Yang terbesar adalah keluarga yang gekkoninae telah lebih dari 550 spesies yang hidup di seluruh dunia.
Tokek yang luas dan beradaptasi dan tidak menimbulkan ancaman bagi manusia sama sekali, mereka akan hidup bahagia berdampingan dengan manusia biasanya membuat sebuah rumah di mana mereka dapat dengan mudah mengakses langit-langit cahaya yang menarik serangga.
The gecko banyak ditemukan di berbagai iklim hangat di seluruh dunia. Salah satu perbedaan utama antara tokek dan kadal lain adalah cara di mana mereka berkomunikasi satu sama lain.Gecko’s membuat suara mencicit keras ketika mereka bersosialisasi dengan orang lain dari spesies mereka.
Perbedaan lain antara tokek dan kadal adalah mereka tidak punya kelopak mata, bukannya mereka memiliki membran transparan bahwa mereka bersih dengan menjilati dengan lidah mereka.
Geckos dapat berjalan di langit-langit terbalik dengan mudah karena mereka mempunyai bantalan khusus pada kaki mereka. Dalam iklim yang hangat, banyak tokek membuat rumah mereka di dalam rumah-rumah manusia karena dapat memberikan perlindungan dan tempat tinggal. Ada tokek bernama ‘rumah gecko’ yang terkenal tinggal di dalam rumah orang, mereka jarang dianjurkan melakukan hal ini karena mereka hebat Ridding serangga lain yang dapat menimbulkan sebagai masalah.
Beberapa spesies tokek dapat berubah warna, serupa dengan bunglon lakukan, untuk berbaur dengan lingkungan mereka atau menyesuaikan dengan suhu. Ada banyak warna yang berbeda tokek, beberapa warna-warni yang menampilkan pola-pola indah di tubuh mereka.
Kehidupan di alam liar untuk tokek sering penuh dengan bahaya dan hari tokek memiliki banyak predator, termasuk ular, burung dan kadal besar lainnya. Bahkan tanpa ini ditambahkan bahaya tokek waktu yang dihabiskan untuk berburu untuk makanan dan jika laki-laki, berusaha untuk tetap memegang suatu wilayah sementara mengatasi konfrontasi kekerasan dari tokek lain yang ingin menyerang. Sengketa teritorial dapat dengan mudah menyebabkan gecko yang terluka oleh gigitan dan merobek luka, karena mereka mempunyai kulit yang cukup halus.